Monday, April 9, 2012

How important is it for your website to be mobile friendly?

Does your website display in a friendly manner on a tablet or mobile device? How important is it in today's online world? With more WiFi hotspots becoming available almost everywhere we go, should your website either me mobile friendly or have a mobile version? While smart phones and tablets are growing in vast numbers, does it surprise you to know that they drive nearly 7% of all Internet traffic? That is only if you consider it on a mobile connection, it is over 30% if you consider it on a WiFi connection. Think of it this way, do you have a website that a potential customer might need to view or access while not at home or work? I would say most of us would say yes. This should not be taken lightly to those of us who rely on Internet traffic! I would also say it should be done since the use of mobile searching is growing at a staggering rate. If you are in need of a mobile version of your website, or a new website entirely, consider us at Cybernetic Web Design. Even if we are not the company to help you, I would strongly suggest you have a chat with your current web designer.

Cybernetic Web Design

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