Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thinking of using a free online website builder?

Are you thinking about using an online free website builder? Considering that you can build the website that you want with a free website builder, will it be SEO optimized? It is important to not only build an eye catching, astheticslly pleasing, easy to navigate website, but also have SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind. Most web designers will at least provide SEO friendly websites that include:

Page description meta tags
Keyword meta tags
Page and content specific title tags
Robots txt file
So on and so fourth....

You can build the best looking website on the web, but if nobody can find it, it's a mute point. 

In the end, considering the time you will spend on the project, you may want to use an affordable web designer that knows what they are doing.

Cybernetic Web Design of Naples Florida

Cybernetic Web Design of Naples Florida just recently launched the SPM Thermoshield website. SPM Thermoshield is a leading manufacturer of energy saving protective paint and coatings worldwide. If you need web design, social SEO, social media management, or internet marketing services, please contact us today.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Need more facebook fans on your facebook fanpage? Check out My Fan Adder! My fan Adder can add real human facebook fans and likes to your fanpage, or any page that contains the " like " button.

Buy Guaranteed facebook Fans
100% Real Human Fans.
Lightening Fast Speeds. Up to 1000 fans in 24 to 72 hours.
Safe & Risk-free. We have not had any complaints.
Guaranteed Fans. You pay for 1000, you receive THOSE 1000.
Quickly  establish credibility.
Sure fire way to grab attention and get people talking.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

We are a leading company in a field of web design, maintenance, and social media management in Naples Florida. Please give us a call today, as always, your consultation is absolutely FREE. 239-682-5334
Need more facebook fans on your facebook fanpage? Check out My Fan Adder! My fan Adder can add real human facebook fans and likes to your fanpage, or any page that contains the " like " button.

Buy Guaranteed facebook Fans
100% Real Human Fans.
Lightening Fast Speeds. Up to 1000 fans in 24 to 72 hours.
Safe & Risk-free. We have not had any complaints.
Guaranteed Fans. You pay for 1000, you receive THOSE 1000.
Quickly  establish credibility.
Sure fire way to grab attention and get people talking.

Cybernetic Web Design of Bonita Springs launched Your Intuitive Connection's new website recently.

Cybernetic Web Design in Naples Florida is building the new Sashy Hair Design Club website. Here is a video peak of what is to come. Not near done, but a look and feel of what the new website will be like. Do you need a new website, or a make-over of your current website? Visit us at : www.cyberneticwebdesign.com

Monday, April 9, 2012

How important is it for your website to be mobile friendly?

Does your website display in a friendly manner on a tablet or mobile device? How important is it in today's online world? With more WiFi hotspots becoming available almost everywhere we go, should your website either me mobile friendly or have a mobile version? While smart phones and tablets are growing in vast numbers, does it surprise you to know that they drive nearly 7% of all Internet traffic? That is only if you consider it on a mobile connection, it is over 30% if you consider it on a WiFi connection. Think of it this way, do you have a website that a potential customer might need to view or access while not at home or work? I would say most of us would say yes. This should not be taken lightly to those of us who rely on Internet traffic! I would also say it should be done since the use of mobile searching is growing at a staggering rate. If you are in need of a mobile version of your website, or a new website entirely, consider us at Cybernetic Web Design. Even if we are not the company to help you, I would strongly suggest you have a chat with your current web designer.

Cybernetic Web Design

How does your online presence stack up?

Web creation / design is not just about putting a fancy face on the web or social media platforms. The goals of the Cybernetic Group is to build an online presence for your business that isn't just creative, but also helps you or your business establish a credible online presence. Cybernetic Web Design along with Cybernetic Social Media have been building custom websites and managing social media platforms for a diverse client base.  

We will work with you to understand your business objectives and create an online plan to help you achieve your goals. We can create the type of website that you are looking for. Don’t have a clue what you are looking for? No problem, our team of creative experts can design the perfect website for you. 

Did you know that 93% of marketers use online and social media platforms  for advertising? The days of the phonebook are going away! There are customers that are looking for you right know, how well does your online presence stack up?  Your website / social media platforms are most often the first impression that they get of you or your company. Our team at Cybernetic will make sure that your site / platforms are well designed and reaching out with geo-targeted audience building . SEO (search engine optimisation) has always been important, now we have to consider how well we do Social SEO! In the last couple of years, SEO has been greatly impacted by social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Yelp, and Foursquare. We utilize all of these in our managed solution packages. Don’t need all that,  Just need a website? No problem, we can be simple to. Visit our website today! 

Cybernetic Web Design